Volunteer Opportunities
Friday - Tasks and time needs (shift are two hours)
- Gate Entrance watcher - 7am to 10am, needs = 8
- Event Set-up, beginning at 8am, needs = 30
- Beverage distribution - 4:45pm to 11:30pm, needs = 15
- Wing War - 5pm to 7:30pm, needs = 8
- Kids Zone activities - 4:45pm to 9pm, needs = 16
- Trash attendant - 7pm tp 9pm, need = 2
- Beverage distribution - 10am to 11:30pm, needs = 26
- Kids Zone activities - 10am to 9pm, needs = 40
- Trash attendant, 8am to 9am, 2pm to 3pm, 5pm to 6pm and 8pm to 9pm needs = 8
- Event take down - 10pm to midnight, needs = 12 730th Army is committed to send some help.
- Send all inquiries to our email RibsVermillion@gmail.com or our Facebook page Ribs Rods & Rock n' Roll.
- Community groups are encouraged to request all activities for a full time slot I.E. Kids Zone from 2 to 4 on Saturday requires 8 volunteers. :)